Dynamic variables
Dynamic variables demo
What it is?
Dynamic Variables are variables that you can use to display values from one field within another.
In Lastform they are dynamic, which means that they are updated live and automatically.
You can apply them inside your question title, description, label or even placeholder.
To use values from other fields, you just need to use the same pattern of Gravity Forms. The structure is:
- Field name, for reference (required)
- Field ID (required)
- Fallback value, in case the user don't enter any value. This one is optional.
Simple field example
In the GIF at the beginning, I'm using a standard Single Line field to get the user name and applying it:
{What's your name?:1:buddy}
Complex fields
Some Gravity Forms fields are complex and have "subfields", like Address and Name. For these fields, you need to reference the ID of the "subfields" you want to get the value.
Name field example
For instance, a field called Name with the ID 13 will have the following structure, and each subfield with it's own ID:
So, if you want to use the Last name inside another field, you need to reference it like this:
Welcome to our survey, Mr. {Name Last:13.6:visitor}. Can you tell us about yourself?
Address field example
IF you have a field called Address with the ID 14 will have the following structure. Again, each subfield with it's own ID:
If you want to use the City value inside another field, you need to reference it like this:
How long you live in {Address City:14.3:your city}?